Environmental & Quality Policies

Environmental Policy

1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. Policy Statement
4. Our Environment
5. Further Assistance

Environmental Policy
Date: 30-04-2024
Page: Page 2 of 3
Rev: 02
Authorised by: A Mizgier

1. Purpose
Xampla and its brand, Morro, offer a range of plastic free, plant-based materials that are strong, natural and fully biodegradable that protect and deliver products and ingredients without harming the planet. We are fully aware of the impact of climate change and the importance of minimising the impact of our products and operations on the environment. Our materials eliminate the most polluting plastics and enable companies to meet changing consumer and regulatory requirements, where single-use plastic and intentionally added microplastics are becoming restricted. Xampla was the first UK university spin-out to become a certified B Corp company recognising our commitment to our mission to address plastic pollution, and to balance profit with purpose. We are committed to improving the environment, both through our products and our actions, and as a demonstration of our commitment to this we have implemented an Environmental Management System (“EMS”) in accordance with ISO 14001:2015.

2. Scope
This policy applies to all employees. This policy is non-contractual and does not form part of an employee’s contract of employment. This policy may be amended or withdrawn at any time.

3. Policy Statement
Through our environmental policy we wish to communicate our commitment to the protection of the environment, endeavouring to limit adverse effects in the environment in which it operates, ensuring that it meets all relevant compliance obligations and its operations are acceptable internationally.

Xampla’s Leadership Team and employees are committed to running the business in such a way that will, as far as possible, prevent pollution and support environmental protection. This will be achieved by the elimination or minimisation of waste and pollution, with due regard to all legislation, consents and controls. Xampla will set specific Environmental Objectives and targets relating to the company’s environmental goals and its EMS. These Objectives and targets are reviewed using Xampla’s Internal Audit and Management Review processes.

4. Our Environment
Xampla’s Leadership Team identifies, reviews, evaluates and implements such legislation, as well as relevant statutory regulations and professional requirements that impact upon its business operations and considers all relevant environmental issues when making decisions impacting on their work. All employees are made aware of our collective and any individual responsibilities for and commitment to acting in accordance with Xampla’s Environmental Policy, whilst working to continually improve its EMS. Xampla is also committed to minimising any disturbance to the local environment and resources of the communities in which the company operates, including the presentation of its own premises.

In determining the Scope of our EMS we have considered our compliance obligations, the needs and expectations of our interested parties and the context of our organisation, which are detailed above. The scope of our EMS is “The design and supply of plant-based materials to replace single-use plastics and to provide a new functionality for ingredient protection”. We will seek to apply our EMS to our suppliers and customers where we have the authority and ability to control and influence them.

This policy is communicated to all staff, its suppliers, sub-contractors and any other interested parties (i.e. clients, stakeholders etc.), as well as to the public on request. We want our goals in respect of the environment to be shared as far as possible, and for everyone who deals with us to be aware of them.

Environmental Policy
Date: 30-04-2024
Page: Page 3 of 3
Rev: 02
Authorised by: A Mizgier

5. Further Assistance
For more information or to discuss this policy in more detail, please contact HR who will be happy to assist.

Date: 1 May 2024 Signed: Alexandra French, CEO, Xampla Ltd

Quality Policy

1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. Policy statement
4. Our people
5. Our customers
6. Our quality
7. Further assistance

Environmental Policy
Date: 30-04-2024
Rev: 02
Authorised by: A Mizgier

1. Purpose

Xampla and its brand, Morro, offer a range of plastic free, plant-based materials that are strong, natural and fully biodegradable that protect and deliver products and ingredients without harming the planet. We are fully aware of the impact of climate change and the importance of minimising the impact of making our products and operations on the environment. Our materials eliminate the most polluting plastics and enable companies to meet changing consumer and regulatory requirements, where single-use plastic and intentionally added microplastics are becoming restricted. Xampla was the first UK  university spin-out to become a certified B Corp company recognising our commitment to our mission to address plastic pollution, and to balance profit with purpose. The employees of the Company represent its greatest asset. By providing opportunities, facilities and training, the Company aims to ensure that all members of staff are in possession of the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to perform their job to a satisfactory standard, enabling them to contribute to the growth of the business. 

2. Scope 

This policy applies to all employees.  This policy is non-contractual and does not form part of an employee’s contract of employment. This policy may be amended or withdrawn at any time.  

3. Policy Statement 

Xampla is committed to an operating philosophy based on openness in communication, integrity in serving our customers, fairness and concern for our employees and responsibility to the communities within which we operate.  

We aim to exceed customer expectations for quality, safety, customer service and value. Additionally, we are dedicated to creating a profitable business culture that is based on the following principles: 

4. Our People 

Xampla is committed to equality in employment opportunity and rewards, embracing wholeheartedly the cultural diversity within the communities we call home. Please see our Equality Policy for more details.  

Our employees’ welfare and interests are foremost throughout all aspects of our business and how we conduct our affairs. Xampla is committed to: 

  1. Creating and nurturing an environment of success based on honesty and integrity; 
  2. Equitable sharing in the success of the company; 
  3. Empowerment through training and communication; 
  4. Individual growth and equal opportunity; 
  5. Designing and providing a safe and secure work environment.

5. Our customers

Customer needs are paramount and represent the highest priority, after health and safety, within our business. Our aim is to proactively seek out and define customer needs while addressing all requests expeditiously without creating false expectations. 

6. Our Quality 

Xampla is committed to achieving competitive excellence and providing our customers with products and services designed, produced and delivered to meet or exceed their expectations by: 

  1. Complying with all customer, statutory and regulatory requirements;  
  2. Enabling employees to achieve business and professional goals; Continually improving our processes via our QMS; 

We aim to achieve the above by implementing a quality management system (QMS) that complies with the international standard ISO 9001:2015. We also commit to monitor the effectiveness of our quality system and to act with integrity to continually improve our operations and to meet the requirements of our customers, as well as our legal and regulatory and any other applicable requirements. 

Beginning with a clear definition of customers’ expectations, we strive to consistently meet or exceed them. We adhere to all applicable standards and customer specific requirements and endeavour to provide processes that ensure we achieve this in order to build a robust and world class business. 

The policy, organisation and procedures necessary to achieve the requirements are described in our QMS. Quality objectives of the company are agreed annually at Management Review Meetings and reviewed for effectiveness. At these meetings, we ensure that this policy and the quality objectives remain compatible with the strategic direction and the purpose and context of our organisation. 

7. Further Assistance 

For more information or to discuss this policy in more detail, please contact HR who will be happy to assist.

Date: 1 May 2024 Signed: Alexandra French, CEO, Xampla Ltd 



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